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Instant Editorial: Martinez should push immigration reform


Sen. Mel Martinez’s decision not to seek re-election should not stall future efforts to reform our nation’s immigration system.

He should take his final two years in office to push for reforms that should have been enacted years ago.

Martinez championed comprehensive immigration reform — even though it was unpopular and failed two years in a row — because he saw beyond the politically charged rhetoric.

His own immigrant experience informed his positions as he saw the humanity of immigrants, regardless of legal status.

He sought out solutions beyond building walls and pushing for inhumane mass deportations, even as employers sought undocumented immigrant labor.

Martinez should not spend his final years in the Senate as a lame duck.

He should become the conscience of Congress on this issue and push the incoming Obama Administration to make this a priority.

— David Plazas is the community conversation editor of The News-Press. Instant editorials reflect individual editorial board members’ points of view and not necessarily those of the board. Please comment in the box below.

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