Jan 7, 2008 4:08 pm US/Central

Pawlenty Revives Push Against Illegal Immigrants

Gov. Tim Pawlenty wants to crack down on illegal immigrants again -- two years after he proposed a similar package that lawmakers dismissed.

The Republican governor signed executive orders on Monday to give state agents a role in enforcing immigration law and reviewing millions of driver's license photos for possible fraud.

Pawlenty also proposed several measures that lawmakers would have to approve, including stiffer penalties for identity theft and a ban on so-called sanctuary ordinances that prevent police from asking about immigration status.

Minnesota's Democrat-controlled Legislature is unlikely to go along.

Sen. Patricia Torres Ray says he is bringing back a divisive issue as the 2008 election cycle is heating up. The Minneapolis Democrat says his proposals are not a serious response to illegal immigration.

http://wcco.com/local/pawlenty.illegal. ... 24884.html