Looks like folks in Hawaii have their own problems.
Sound very much like ours.

Here is the link:


The Akaka Bill Could Give Birth to the Nation of Aztlan
Shoots from the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii - June 14, 2005
By Don Newman, 6/14/2005 2:13:52 AM

Aztlan -- have you ever heard of it? You know, the nation that encompasses what used to be all of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and southern Colorado as well as most of Northern Mexico. There is no such nation you say? Well, a University of New Mexico Chicano Studies professor named Charles Truxillo says that it is “an inevitability.�

The influx of illegal aliens, especially from Mexico, that come and settle in that general area is seen as a precursor for the formation of this new nation. By establishing themselves in overwhelming numbers they intend to create such a huge voting block that the nation of Aztlan could be voted into reality.

This could never happen legally you say. There could be no legal precedent for the formation of a new sovereign nation within the borders of the United States that could form the seed for such a new nation. Well, the irony is that legal precedence may come from, of all places, Hawaii.

The intent of the Akaka bill is to do just that, create a new sovereign nation within the borders of the United States. The criterion is the “blood quantum� or traceable lineage of anyone who qualifies according to the established definitions as “Hawaiian.� What kind of government will be the ultimate result of such an arrangement is anybody’s guess.

Now, there will be those who will quibble as to the actual nature of the “sovereign nation� and they may be right. That is not the point of this editorial. The point is the precedence this bill will set if it passes. If Hawaiians can lay a claim to the ceded lands of Hawaii then why can’t Mexicans who were forced off their land in 1848 have a similar claim?

MEChA is a radical pro-Mexico student group that says it is committed to "the physical liberation of Occupied America" and a separate Hispanic nation in the Southwest U.S. It's motto is "Por La Raza Todo, Fuera de La Raza Nada: for the race, everything; outside the race, nothing."

Notice the same race based definition as that of the Akaka Bill. Once the precedent has been established that race is the criterion for land, government and inclusion then where does that end? It then becomes a pell-mell scuffle for land and power, nothing more.

The idea that precedents cannot lead to such absurd conclusions was recently demonstrated to be wrong by the Supreme Court’s decision on medical marijuana. The original decision concerning the wheat farmer who grew a couple hundred bushels of wheat for his own use that was ruled by the Supreme Court to be subject to the Commerce Clause of the Constitution was the precedence that led to the absurd conclusion that six marijuana plants grown for personal use were also subject to the same Commerce Clause although all commerce in the commodity is illegal.

This is the way of such legal precedents, they lead down paths that no one could possibly have envisioned. Thus to say that the Akaka Bill could lead to the establishment of native Mexican tribes in the United States which would form the seed for the nation of Aztlan is not so farfetched. It certainly could come to pass in the full course of time.

Don Newman, senior policy analyst for the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, Hawaii's first and only free market public policy institute focused on individual freedom and liberty, can be reached at: newmand001@hawaii.rr.com

This editorial is intended to provoke thought, discussion and an examination of issues. It does not reflect official policy of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii. See the GRIH Web site at: http://www.grassrootinstitute.org/

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