Moderates in California try to push GOP toward center on immigration, guns, gay rights

By Associated Press, Updated: Friday, August 5, 3:33 AM

LOS ANGELES — Conservative Republicans flexed their newfound muscle in Capitol Hill’s chaotic debt showdown, but in left-leaning California, moderates are trying to push the party toward the center on immigration, guns and gay rights as the 2012 elections come into view.

The latest friction in a long tussle between conservatives and centrists in California comes as leaders search for ways to make their candidates more competitive in a state where Democrats control the Legislature, hold every statewide office and enjoy a growing registration advantage. It also mirrors tensions playing out nationally as presidential contenders maneuver in advance of next year’s primary season.

A proposed rewrite of the California Republican Party platform retreats from opposition to same-sex adoption, domestic partner benefits and child custody, avoids any mention of overturning Roe v. Wade and drops a demand to end virtually all federal and state benefits for illegal immigrants.

Alarmed conservatives say the party’s core principles are under assault.

“It’s castrating conservative ideas,â€