This article is from October, but I didn't find it in a search. It is great news for Prince William County, VA, and proves that enforcement does work; but it is bad news for Montgomery County, MD. If all counties would follow suit and enforce the laws, there would be no refuge for illegals.

Montgomery getting reports of increase in illegals from Va.

Filed under: Montgomery County , Kathleen Miller , Immigration - Montgomery County

Oct 24, 2007 3:00 AM (41 days ago) by Kathleen Miller, The Examiner

Montgomery County (Map, News) - Montgomery County officials have received reports that illegal immigrants from Virginia are moving into the county after several Virginia counties began cracking down on them, officials in the county say.

[b]Juan, a Peruvian immigrant who declined to give his name because he does not have immigration papers, said that two weeks ago [color=darkblue]he left a “great jobâ€