Legal immigrants seen boosting Social Security

BY ALEXIS GRANT : The Herald-Sun Washington bureau
Feb 17, 2005 : 8:33 pm ET

WASHINGTON -- As lawmakers squabble over the future of Social Security, they may want to consider yet another factor: immigration.

Over the next 75 years, new legal immigrants will pay $611 billion into Social Security, according to a report issued this week by the National Foundation for American Policy, a nonpartisan think tank. That would help pump up the retirement system that President Bush says must change or will go bankrupt within the next four decades.

"Increased immigration is helpful to the Social Security system and would make any reforms easier to achieve," said Stuart Anderson, executive director of the organization and author of the report, which is the first of its kind.

According to the study, which used Social Security Administration data, a moratorium on legal immigrants would worsen the Social Security system's deficit by one-third in the next 50 years. Reducing legal immigration by one-third would deepen the expected deficit by 10 percent; conversely, if immigration increased by one-third, it would alleviate the deficit by 10 percent.

The report shows that immigrants are contributing to the well-being of Americans, said Andrea Bazan-Manson, executive director of El Pueblo Inc., a Raleigh-based Latino advocacy group. Latinos make up about 8 percent of the Durham population, according to the 2000 census.

"The reality is we are going to need to continue to depend on the working population, which is made up of a significant number of immigrants," she said. "People, as we speak, are benefiting through Social Security from the work of an undocumented worker."

Many of the 800,000 legal immigrants who come to the United States each year are young, and consequently pay into the Social Security system for decades before reaping any benefits, the study found. Workers' Social Security payroll taxes underwrite the monthly benefits received by retirees.
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Highlighted in Red is the BS.

Social Security is in the biggest mess it's ever been in during the largest most massive influx of illegal and legal immigrants in US History. More immigration of any kind is not in the national interest of the American People and does not benefit the United States.

Another biased article so Herald Sun News can advertise on the El Pueblo Website.