Incredible corruption surrounding immigration in Colorado: Romer, Ritter and Hickenlooper

Contributed by Frosty Wooldridge (Editor)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 9:05
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By Frosty Wooldridge

Colorado suffers deep, entrenched, ongoing and horrific illegal criminal alien presence. Estimates run from 500,000 to 700,000 illegal aliens working and residing in Colorado. They disrupt and bankrupt Colorado’s schools, hospitals and prisons. They kill Colorado citizens via drunken driving and shootings, they form 12,000 member drug gangs in Denver, displace legal citizens from jobs and a plethora of anti-social behavior.

How do they get away with their actions? How does the corruption continue? How do criminal alien employers violate the law? How do so many thousands of criminal aliens continue working and living in Colorado?

Answer: Governor Ritter refuses to enforce the immigration laws passed by the Colorado legislators in 2006. Mayor John Hickenlooper continues his “Sanctuary Policyâ€