By: Devvy
March 17, 2008

And a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! I don't know about anyone else, but after last week, I think we can all use a little celebration, if only for one day.

The sludge and smut which has dominated our political scene for so long reached fever pitch last week and no doubt, so-called "news" networks like FAUX (FOX) will continue flogging Eliot Spitzer's downfall. I think most people sorry for his wife (who should get an AIDS test) and three teen age daughters.

Spitzer's apparent long term use of whores (prostitutes are whores who get paid for their services) came back to bite him. This plain Jane hooker with no photogenic qualities whatsoever is now laughing all the way to the bank. More than a hundred thousand suckers have downloaded her singing on a pay-to-play site which is adding up to serious dollars. No doubt this young woman who sold her body for money will sell it again to some sleazy adolescent magazine like Playboy. Perhaps she can loan her brother, Kyle Youmans, some money for the prison canteen after he is sentenced next month for possession of heroin with intent to sell; Youmans is already on five years probation for intent to sell heroin in a school zone. I think perhaps the best overall column on the Spitzer "comeuppance" is from The Sunday Times. Chuck Baldwin's recent column also asked some very pointed questions that I believe need answering.

Moving on to Barack Obama. One has to wonder where the lame stream media has been for the last year? Obama has been on the campaign trail selling his no change message for over a year and suddenly, the airwaves are filled with the "Word of God" according to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. From "God damn America" to "our allegiance is to Africa," the now retired Rev. Wright has been on his hatred of America and Caucasians agenda for a long time. Obama says he and Wright spoke about Jesus - a black Jesus as proclaimed by Wright in this video. Obama has lagged along with limp statements that he doesn't agree with his spiritual mentor, the man who married him and his "Prepare to earn less" wife, Michelle, and baptized their children. We should remember that Obama is a mulatto (his father was Negro, his mother Caucasian) and in his own words, has had a difficult time deciding which race he would embrace:

"From the age of ten onward, though, Obama desperately wants to be black: “I was trying to raise myself to be a black man in America, and beyond the given of my appearance, no one around me seemed to know exactly what that meant.â€