According to the email (below) that I received, Morristown Ralley was a success. For protection, I left the names blank.


Hi everyone,

The rally at Morristown town Hall was an absolute success. We had at least 300 to 400 people listening and very respectful and peaceful.
Except for the other side of course. Some articles are saying different numbers.

Much less from the other side though. As usual they are rude and disrespectful.

________ and _______ did a wonderful job in organizing this event, I was very impressed with the large police presence there. Police in horses, some in riot gears and even a helicopter.

As we all know anarchists and illegals have no arguement but to call us "racists" and the KKK, and yelling that they all come here to work. Yeah sure, they only come here to work.

But the law is with us we are not the ones breaking it, they are.
That's why they got arrested yesterday these are very violent "white trashy" kids.
Most of them are young and they believe that jumping to assault people is the way to go. I got news for them jail is waiting for you and the illegals. Jail and deportation for many.

Well any way my friends it was a pretty good turnout, ______ as usual was great, also _____ plus others.

I will email photos of the event as soon as I get them