The Most Dangerous Nation to the United States is . . . the United States ... leID=38811
Andrew T. Durham
September 27, 2007

I was listening to a local talk radio show this morning, and the host was talking about the most dangerous country to the United States. He, of course, mentioned China, which is technically correct and can't really be argued. But I would contend that the most dangerous nation to the United States is the United States.

Anyone reading the news with a modicum of wisdom can see that we're shortly outta here. After the largest attack on our shores in history we will not do anything about illegal immigration or border control. Creatures like Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Dick Durbin can utter the most outrageous remarks in our nation’s history during wartime, and all the snotty intellectual Sunday morning pundits will say is "it's the degeneration in political discourse in this country." Well, this "discourse" is committing "intercourse" to the American people. Our nation's officials refuse to crack down on Muslim groups in this country for fear of being branded racist. Further, our border control officers are arrested and imprisoned for actually doing their jobs. Our Marines are prosecuted for fighting a war after creatures like Jack Murtha and Tim McGirk create a hoax to further a political ideology in our own country that is based solely on hatred for George Bush.

The joke of a media in this country refuses to follow the blatant corruption of the Clintons, who may be in the position of ruining this country again. To be sure, Hillary Clinton is already on her way to being the next Nixon, enemies list and all, with her strong arming of negative press pieces, and condoning possible break-ins to retrieve negative book manuscripts. Let me spell this particular issue out:

1) Why won't the media investigate two simultaneous stories of manuscripts being stolen from authors who have books coming out which are critical of the Clintons?

SO, why not go on:

2) Why won't anyone investigate the overt corruption of donations to the Clinton campaign from a Chinese criminal and fugitive, let alone connect it to the myriad connections Bill Clinton has always had with the Chinese? Why won't anyone connect this to how Bill Clinton created an environment in which national secrets were able to be stolen by a Chinese spy in the 90's?

3) Why won't anyone investigate the death of Ron Brown and connect that with what Bill Clinton was desperate to hide?

4) Why won't anyone SERIOUSLY investigate the destruction of Flight TWA 800 and re-release the video tape of missiles hitting this airplane? And what is the connection the Clinton Administration has to burying the investigation of over 200 eyewitnesses to the “accidentâ€