The Most Dangerous Place On Earth: The Brutal Drug War Raging On The U.S. Border

The American Dream
Nov 8, 2010
several videos at the link

Most Americans have no idea that the most dangerous place on earth is just across the United States border. The city of Juarez, Mexico is nestled right next to El Paso, Texas and it is the murder capital of the world. So far this year, more than 2,000 people have been murdered in the city. The Mexican government has been trying to get a handle on the situation, but corruption is so rampant on all levels of government in Mexico and the drug cartels are so incredibly powerful that it just seems to be a losing battle. But it is not just Juarez that is a crisis point. The truth is that vast stretches of the U.S. border with Mexico have become war zones and yet the mainstream media in the United States is strangely silent about the whole thing.

The truth is that it is far safer to go to Iraq or Afghanistan today than it is to go to cities like Juarez. Freelance journalist Jeff Antebi recently described to CNN what he experienced when he went to Juarez….

“When I arrived in Juarez,â€