My article made the editorial page of the Sonoran news in Arizona.

Wake up South Carolina!


At the beginning of my trial last Wednesday, I remember the judge saying my case was about whether or not I said a curse word, not illegal immigration.
Now, I don’t have one of those fine legal minds that can parse all the ins and outs of legal technicalities, but I can connect the dots. And, when my business started hitting the skids, I was able to immediately identify the problem. It was due to the massive number of illegal aliens being hired in the construction industry. That was the magnet drawing illegals to South Carolina.
That was why and what I protested, and the reason I was arrested. So, how could my trial not be about that?
Our elected officials are too scared to touch the subject. Just like the judge. All these so-called leaders of ours are so politically correct they don’t know what to do and are actually afraid to make a decision. Why couldn’t the judge keep the political correctness out of my trial and come to the same conclusion I, my lawyer, the 18 people there supporting me and the jury came to, that illegal immigration had everything to do with what I did?
Instead, political correctness has Columbia Mayor Bob Coble reaching out to illegal aliens to let them know public housing, WIC and other social services are waiting for them, courtesy of the taxpayers of South Carolina.
Law enforcement agencies are next to useless when it comes to enforcing laws dealing with illegal workers and their employers. For instance, this morning, as I was working in an upscale subdivision in Columbia, nine Hispanics were hard at work roofing the new house next door. I watched a city cop drive through the neighborhood three times without stopping to investigate. I reckon he must have been wearing rose-colored sunglasses, just like Coble wears when it comes to illegal workers and their employers.
That’s also why I am almost out of business.
During the past two weeks I have worked on 17 houses; houses previously worked on by those who are running me out of business, you know, people doing the jobs Americans won’t do. Instead of the professional copper work I used to do, I’ve been reduced to repairing the substandard work, leaks, etc. completed by illegal aliens under the criminal guidance of their employers. I have actually worked on 17 homes, fixing the messes made by those running me out of business! Does that make any sense to you?
I am fed up. Why in the hell should I vote for anyone who doesn’t give a damn about people like me? Why in the hell won’t our cops enforce our laws instead of making lame excuses about why they can’t ask an employer if he is employing illegal aliens? Why in the hell won’t Coble get off his sorry ass and put his citizens first instead of offering free housing and social services to illegal aliens? Why in the hell won’t Sen. Lindsey Graham get off his behind and support legitimate South Carolina businessmen instead of the criminals that employ the illegal aliens flooding our state?
It’s because Graham is too busy being John McCain’s shadow. In his eyes, I am a racist and a bigot, and therefore deserve to go out of business.
In the 24 hours following my trial, I received over 3,200 letters of support from people just as mad as I am from every state in this country. This problem is nationwide and must be dealt with. There is so much anger and dissatisfaction out there.
I want to end this with a reminder to everyone out there; the U.S. Constitution begins with “We the People,â€