Honorable Congressman Gohmert,
Watching the senate debate the 'immigration reform' bill it is quite clear that many of our senators have forgotten they have taken an oath of office to represent the AMERICAN people, not foreign nationals.

I hope and pray that the House remembers theirs. I pray that the House will reject this offering from the senate. It is preposterous to say the illegals will not be held accountable for the crimes (felonies) of identity theft. That companies will not be held responsible for the hiring of illegals. These unenforced laws already exist.

I pray that the House will take out all these unbelievably offensive amendments.

I want an enforcement only bill. I want a fence built. I want the illegals out of this nation.

If all else fails perhaps enough time can elapse (with the border secure) for the people to vote out many of these traitorous senators. We will remember.

Thank you,