Day workers wash cars for hiring center in Mountain View
By Joe Rodriguez

Posted: 04/18/2010 06:04:54 PM PDT
Updated: 04/18/2010 09:55:35 PM PDT

Click photo to enlargeDay laborers and their families who from Mountain View washed cars at... (Maria J. Avila Lopez)«123»

Of all the ways to raise money for a cause, none is more spirited than the all-American carwash. So it was no surprise when the Day Worker Center of Mountain View held one Sunday at a local church, washing everything from dusty pickups to flashy foreign sports sedans.

"Let us wash your car," the center's director, Maria Marroquin, yelled across the parking lot to worshipers arriving for Mass at St. Joseph Catholic Church. "Leave the keys and we'll have it waiting for you."

About 50 people took her up on the offer, paying $8 a pop for a hand carwash.

Only 36,200 more cars to go.

That's how many more washes it would take to raise $290,000 toward a hiring center the jornaleros, or day laborers, can call their own.

The day workers, of course, know carwashes don't have that much monetary horsepower. Marroquin says grants from local towns and philanthropies will cover most of the remaining money needed for a permanent, $960,000 hiring center a quarter-mile from downtown.

The carwash was one of several ways the mostly immigrant and Latino day laborers have employed to fit into Silicon Valley.

Facing widespread opposition to illegal immigration at the time, the center opened in 1996. Moving from one temporary location to the next, the center gradually won the legal permits it needed from Mountain View and, one could say, social acceptance on the Peninsula.

In the recent past, the jornaleros have cleaned up parks and other public eyesores on their own time and held blood drives. They have invited high school students to do community service at the center, served meals and helped any way they can.

In a new project, day workers are learning how to organically farm so they can grow vegetable and fruit "Victory Gardens" at the homes of local seniors who can't do their own gardening anymore.

"If they keep this up, they'll have enough money in no time," said the Rev. Bob Moran, a priest at St. Joseph who drove his vintage 1965 Volkswagen Beetle in for a wash.

He mentioned a recent Los Angeles Times/University of Southern California poll suggesting that California's mood toward illegal immigrants has softened, with a majority of Californians now favoring a "path to legalization" for the undocumented.

"It just blew my mind when I read that," he said.

About a dozen jornaleros washed cars Sunday without pay, donating their time to the fundraising drive. Most weekdays, about 100 of the center's 4,000 registered day workers show up, hoping to be hired by construction contractors, landscapers, homeowners or anyone willing to pay $10 an hour or more for temporary help.

"It's important for us to have our own center because it will be a safe place, especially for women," said Mariana Peña, 32, who had just finished polishing a BMW sedan.

"We can't stand in front of Home Depot with the men," said Peña, who is from Veracruz, Mexico.

She said a permanent home would strengthen the center by adding stability and familiarity, making it easier for everyone — workers, employers, volunteers and funders — to find and support the center.

Rene San Agustin, 53, lost his job when the equipment rental company that employed him for years shut down. He said his wife's restaurant job can barely meet the rent for a one-bedroom apartment they share with their three young children.

"I've been getting some work through the center," he said, "but this past year has been tough on all of us."

Most of the other jornaleros washing cars agreed that when the economy crashed in fall 2008, day work dried up.

In a humorous take on joblessness, Marroquin, the center director, waved a soapy towel in the air and said in Spanish, "The economy is the mother of wealth."

She said the center has raised enough money to break ground on the new center in May and will continue fundraising until the job is down. Once it moves in, the center expects to offer more of the same: daily job referrals, English classes and a range of advice on immigration, education, legal, social and health services available to immigrants.

Where once they faced pickets blaming them for the ruin of California, Sunday's car washers faced a line of supportive customers.

"This is a solid program," said John Granados, a parishioner, just before he drove off in his sparkling sports sedan.