Janet Napolitano era of partisan pandering to invading criminals has ended

Victory in Arizona: God Bless Governor Jan Brewer!

By John Lillpop
Friday, April 23, 2010

Let the record show that on April 23, 2010, the Janet Napolitano era of partisan pandering to invading criminals was abruptly ended by an extraordinary act of courage and intelligence by a responsible American, Janet Brewer, Governor of Arizona.

As reported, in part, at Yahoo news:

“PHOENIX – Gov. Jan Brewer ignored criticism from President Barack Obama on Friday and signed into law a bill supporters said would take handcuffs off police in dealing with illegal immigration in Arizona, the nation’s gateway for human and drug smugglers.

With hundreds of people surrounding the state Capitol, protesting that the bill would lead to civil rights abuses, Brewer said she wouldn’t tolerate racial profiling. She said critics were “overreacting.â€