Illegal aliens would receive breaks at community colleges and universities
ALIPAC Note: Take immediate action and contact the NC General Assembly member at

Raleigh – General Assembly Democrats unveiled their final state budget plan this week minus a key provision to save North Carolina future millions....

illegal immigration, north carolina, democrat, democrats, Jim Black, Marc Basnight, NC Legislature

Senator Neal Hunt
15th Senatorial District
Legislative Building, Room 1102
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601
Immediate Release: 8/10/2005

Earlier this session, Republican Senator Neal Hunt of Wake County proposed an amendment to the Senate budget to prohibit illegal immigrants from receiving in-state tuition at North Carolina community colleges. The amendment passed the Senate with unanimous support.

After months of negotiations, the House and Senate Democrat budget conferees stripped Hunt’s amendment from the budget and left the door open for North Carolina to use millions of tax dollars on illegal aliens for in-state tuition.

The amount of college tuition a resident pays to attend a public college or university in their home state is called "in-state tuition." Typically this amount is much less than the tuition charged to students who come from outside the state.

Current law allows community colleges to grant in-state resident status to illegal immigrants. Republican Senators, after learning of the legal clause, voiced concerns that not only were taxpayer dollars being used to subsidize education opportunities for illegal residents, but also legal residents were being displaced from classrooms due to enrollment limits.

Republicans also raised the issue that the in-state tuition provision could later apply to illegal aliens seeking admission to state universities, a move that would displace American citizens and legal nationals alike and cost the state millions of dollars to honor.

“I was amazed that the Democrat conference committee removed our provision,� said Senator Hunt. “Every North Carolina taxpayer should be outraged that their tax dollars are being used to benefit law-breakers.�

A recent certified poll conducted by the Civitas Institute reported over 80% of likely voters in North Carolina oppose in-state tuition grants for illegal aliens.