06/24/11 08:08 AM Justin Credible / Showing the disregard President Obama has for the rule of law, ICE - Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency - issued a memo stating that it's against the agency's policy to deport illegal aliens "in the midst of a legitimate effort to protect their civil rights." This comes back to the whole notion of what the definition of illegal is, which the moronic yenta Debbie Wassermann Schultz (D - FL) can't seem to comprehend. With many independent voters having lost the thrill up their leg with Obama, the Democrats need to find a way to register more voters to support the president, making illegal aliens perfect for this tyrannical cause. "To avoid deterring individuals from reporting crimes and from pursuing actions to protect their civil rights, ICE officers, special agents and attorneys are reminded to exercise all appropriate discretion on a case-by-case basis when making detention and enforcement decisions in the cases of victims of crimes, witnesses to crime and individuals pursuing legitimate civil rights complaints."

Welcome to amnesty. Essentially, ICE won't deport illegal immigrants on civil rights cases, despite them not being American citizens and having broke the law to get here. This new enforcement has been promoted by Hispanic, liberal advocacy organizations that are for amnesty for millions of illegal - yeah, that pesky word illegal - immigrants. The move is purely political, but shows how the laws don't apply to liberals when they want to get something done. This is right in the wheelhouse of the radical Latino front group, La Raza, which means "the race." Sure, they're huge supporters of the American dream!

But proponents of enforcing the law - yes, the law - believe there will be a backlash.
"I have no doubt other immigration attorneys will take the hint and use this as a way of keeping their clients from being sent home."

That's exactly the point. Now that liberal lawyers were given the argument they need to stop deportations, it's almost guaranteed that deportations will decline because of claims of breaking one's civil rights, despite that they broke the law to get here and are in America illegally. Again, can we say amnesty?

And then we have the perverse DREAM Act. The DREAM Act, which Senator Little Dick Durbin has a raging hard-on for, was also reintroduced into legislation today, despite having been shot down this past December during the lame duck period of Congress. Calling it "comprehensive immigration reform," the DREAM Act is a front for amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. The intent is to register them as Democrats and get them to join the labor unions, which will get additional revenue from these new members, which will be used to fund Democrat political campaigns. It's the liberal circle of life!
Anyway you put it, liberal Democrats have no interest in protecting the border, which is the root cause of the problem. Their lack of interest in protecting the border stems from their interest in finding any and all ways to get re-elected in 2012. It's disgusting how these perverts put power and their political careers ahead of what's in the best interest for America.

Justin Credible is a contributing editor for Habledash.
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