Why is ‘illegal' such a difficult concept?

To the editor:

The Daily News printed an article in the July 26 edition about North Carolina's community colleges banning illegal immigrants. I don't understand the federal government allowing it in the first place.

It appears that a lot of politicians have trouble understanding the word "illegal." If someone is in this country illegally and they try to get into college, get a job or apply for any kind of government assistance, then they should be deported. Why is that such a difficult concept for our so- called leaders to grasp?

Send illegal aliens back where they came from. I have no problem with people wanting to immigrate here, contribute to our society, learn the language, get a job, pay taxes and become a citizen. I do have a problem with illegal aliens trying to get a taxpayer-supported education and other benefits without going through whatever is required to be here legally.

I am also getting tired of politically correct media spinning the story; people who are here illegally are illegal aliens, not illegal immigrants.

Dennis Pfeiffer, Jacksonville-NC
http://www.jdnews.com/opinion/ditor_584 ... ters_.html