Never Give In
By Jed Babbin
June 28, 2007

Yes, we’re all fed up with the immigration bill. And we of the conservative media have called on you so many times in the last few months you’re probably almost fed up with us, too. But think about this: whenever the phone calls diminish, whenever the talk radio hosts turn to other issues, whenever it appears that you’ve gone on to something else, the folks who are pushing this awful bill – this huge blow to our national security and our economy -- go before the cameras and say that support is rising and opposition is fading.

Today the Bush-McKennedy amnesty bill will be up for another cloture vote to enable the Senate to pass it before the July 4 recess. Now is the time to remember Churchill’s credo: “Never give in! Never give in! Never never never never -- in nothing great and small -- large and petty -- Never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.â€