Lou Dobbs Tonight
Friday, February 13, 2009

* Tonight, we will take a closer look at the final draft
of the stimulus bill for small earmarks of a couple million
dollars that have been put in by individuals in congress to pad
their special interests.

* Plus, an Arizona court could have a verdict today in
the landmark lawsuit brought by 16 illegal aliens against a
rancher in that state. Arizona rancher Roger Barnett faces a
$32 million lawsuit for allegedly violating the civil rights of
16 illegal aliens from Mexico who were trespassing on his
property while trying to enter this country illegally.

It’s Friday the 13th, Independent Nation. And while there’s
certainly a lot of scary stuff happening in our nation’s
capital these days, you shouldn’t be afraid—because you’re in
very good hands with the Voice of Choice, Lou Dobbs.

On Friday’s broadcast, Mr. Independent will have a very special
guest: You! Be sure to tune in to “The Lou Dobbs Showâ€