That's right! Your government gave your job to an ILLEGAL ALIEN. Prior to 1986 the ILLEGALS started their march up accross our Southern Border. THey came by the millions seeking a better life at your expense. In 1986 President Reagan signed an amnesty bill that allowed millions of ILLEGALS to stay here and to gain a path to citizenship. That same government promised to step up enforcement on our borders and to enforce our laws against ILLEGAL immigrants and THEN THE GOVERNMENT FELL ASLEEP! They zonked out and forgot what they promised the American people when Reagan signed the amnesty bill. The flood continued through the Bush I years, the Clinton years and accelerated through the Bush II years. Now President Bambi, Nancy pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Emmanuel Cleaver, Barney Frank and a host of others in our Congress want to grant another amnesty to the estimated 12 - 30 million ILLEGALS who have entered our country in the last 30 years.

The ILLEGALS and the politicians who want to give them amnesty so they can gain their votes are the reason you can't find a job today. They (the ILLEGALS) are holding down the jobs in the lawn service companies, the meat processing plants, the roofing companies, the fast food restaurants and the warehouses to name a few.

You are an American. You were born here. Whether you are white, black, red, yellow or brown you deserve a job in your own country but you can't find one because your government thinks more of an ILLEGAL alien than it does of you - a natural born citizen.

The only hope any of us has in stopping this is to write, fax, email, call your elected representatives and tell them that you have had enough. If that fails take to the streets with signs which state your protest against no jobs for Americans in this country. Tell them that you want to be able to have a job. You want to be able to take care of your family. Tell them that you want to be able to feed, house and clothe your children.


Tell them to round up the ILLEGALS and send them home - NOW! ... 96364.html