"In fields such as information technology, research and development, science and finance, the skilled worker shortage in the U.S. has become critical, experts said."

Yeah, right. I have been trying for 3 years to use my research background. I have published papers in nanotech, polymers and optics, among other subjects. I was funded by the DOE, National Renewable Laboratories, and Oak Ridge Nat'l Laboratories, among others. I won several prestigious awards. I don't even get a response - only through monster or such saying the application was received. I constantly meet foreigners who only have a bachelor's (I'm way beyond that) and doing a job I would love and the perception that they are underpaid just burns me up. I would LOVE to have their jobs at any price. It would be so much better than moving to Florida to move in with my mother and leave my son behind. We're citizens, but you don't hear about OUR families being torn apart. It would help if some of the foreigners hadn't been brainwashed into thinking they are better - that Americans don't know math and science (I have a physics degree- give me a break on American ignorance) and that's why they're here. It just adds salt to the wound.