September 1, 2010 - Michael Cutler

This past weekend I was on The Fox News Network's Fox & Friends. I talked about how the administration, via Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reported to the United Nations that the United States was advancing the cause of "Human Rights" by blocking the state of Arizona from enforcing immigration laws. I also discussed the way that smugglers are using boats to smuggle aliens into the United States, thereby circumventing the Border Patrol on the land border that is supposed to separate the United States from Mexico.

Now we have an article that appeared in Monday's edition of the Washington Post that reports on a new deadly and truly insidious tactic employed by narcotics smugglers, that of using counterfeit police uniforms and vehicles that are disguised to appear as bona fide police cars.

This is the stuff of nightmares!

The Post’s news article begins by talking about how a Border Patrol agent in Zapata, Texas encountered a smuggler who was dressed as a deputy and drove what appeared to be a genuine police vehicle. As it turned out, the vehicle was as phony as the uniform the "deputy" was wearing. The attempt was to get the smuggler and his load of marijuana past the Border Patrol. Fortunately the smuggler of the vehicle did not attempt to do what is now becoming a common practice in Mexico. The smugglers use fake police cars and counterfeit uniforms to lull law enforcement officers into a false sense of security. Then, when the time is right, they gun down the real law enforcement officers or, as the article reported, kill a candidate for political office.

They have also taken to using other disguises such as Fed-Ex delivery vans and personnel, school buses and other seemingly innocuous disguises.

Chameleons, as I have often noted, use changes in coloration as a way to "hide in plain sight" among their intended victims. For humans, false identity documents can serve the same purpose. (The 19 terrorists who attacked our nation on September 11, 2001 used more than 300 false names or variations of false names in order to embed themselves.) This is why I have come to refer to "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" as the "Terrorist Assistance and Facilitation Act." (Senator Jeff Sessions, in fact, quoted my Op-Ed article in the Washington Times on three separate occasions during the floor debates, more than 3 years ago, when Chuck Schumer and Ted Kennedy attempted to ram that legislative nightmare down our throats.)

Now the smugglers and drug cartels are taking to employing an even more horrific tactic. Imagine if they take it to the next level inside our border and carry out "hits" inside the United States using these tactics!

Despite this, the administration has the chutzpah to go to the United Nations claiming that by blocking Arizona from enforcing immigration laws the United States is protecting "Human Rights?" How about the "Human Rights" of the 72 Mexicans who were slaughtered?

How about the fact that in Phoenix, Arizona there is an average of one kidnapping and/or home invasion being committed each and every day by thugs, often with connections to the Mexican cartels?

What about the economic impact of massive numbers of illegal aliens? These not only take jobs Americans would be happy to do (especially as the unemployment rate continues to climb) but also because foreign workers legally and illegally present in our country generally attempt to send much of the money they earn back to their families in their home countries. This drains tens of billions of dollars from the United States economy. These tens of billions of dollars are wages that are not earned by American citizens or lawful immigrants. The money being sent out of our country is money that is not spent in the United States or invested in the United States.

Janet Napolitano, the secretary of DHS, the Department of Homeland Surrender has openly noted that at least 230 cities in the United States, from border to border and coast to coast have been infested by members of the incredibly violent Mexican drug cartels yet the administration is reportedly mounting a state by state review of deportation (removal) proceedings involving tens of thousands of aliens who do not have "serious" criminal convictions with the goal of dismissing the removal proceedings against them!

What will our nation do if members of the pernicious Mexican drug cartels operating throughout our nation, or if other transnational thugs conduct similar operations in America's communities? As we are seeing in Mexico people can no longer trust police officers because the bad guys will take to the tactic of impersonating police officers in furtherance of their criminal goals, including murdering political candidates.

Meanwhile, ignoring the concerns I noted above, the administration (and Congressional "leaders" ) attempts, in one way or another, to secure United States citizenship for illegal aliens. It seems that a pre-requisite for being granted United States citizenship is for the alien in question to run our nation's borders and violate other ancillary laws in conjunction with their unlawful entry into our country!

To think that when I began working for the former INS an alien seeking to naturalize and become a citizen of our nation had to provide two witnesses who would attest, under oath to the "Good Moral Character" of the alien applying for citizenship! Furthermore, back then It wasn't enough that an alien did not have convictions for crimes, INS agents would actually hit the street and conduct Good Moral Character (GMC) investigations of aliens applying for citizenship, interviewing neighbors and folks who worked with the alien who applied for United States citizenship.

It is worth remembering that under the administration of President Bill Clinton, a program known as "Citizenship USA" also known as "CUSA" was implemented that ostensibly was intended to clear up the backlog of applications for Untied States citizenship at immigration district offices around the United States. Under the aegis of this insane program, devised, in large measure by then Immigration Commissioner Doris Meissner, more than one million aliens were swiftly naturalized and it was ultimately determined that fingerprint checks had not been completed on all of them and that a significant number of these newly minted citizens (voters) were actually ineligible to become citizens!

You can see the report of the investigation into CUSA conducted by the Officer of the Inspector General here (pdf).

On August 3rd I was interviewed briefly by Neil Cavuto, on his his Fox News program Your World With Neil Cavuto, to discuss the fact that a nun had been killed and two other nuns had been injured by an illegal alien who had been arrested on previous occasions and charged with drunk driving. The illegal alien was then released on his own recognizance pending the outcome of the deportation (removal) proceedings that had been initiated previously.

During my brief segment on Neil's program he asked me, "What does it take for an alien to be kicked out of our country?"

I suggested to Neil that he ask Janet Napolitano! ... detail.asp