Letter to Editor of Ashbury Park Press:

Immigration panel ignores residents
Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 08/12/07
http://www.app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/articl ... 20308/1032

New Jerseyans, you got what you voted for. After reading the Aug. 7 article "Blue ribbon panel formed to help immigrants in NJ," my blood is boiling. This panel will "examine ways to help the immigrant community with education, health care, housing, employment and language proficiency."

The majority of the immigrant community Gov. Corzine is so interested in are illegal immigrants. There are flocks of legal residents of New Jersey who also need help with these things, particularly health care and housing.

I know numerous people who have left our state because they couldn't find a decent apartment and are now living in Pennsylvania. It's difficult to find an affordable apartment because people who are here illegally are taking them over. I guess if Corzine lives in a mansion and can give his old girlfriend millions for a condo, he is totally unaware of the "real" New Jersey.

As far as the various "surveys" cited, I've never been surveyed, nor have most folks I know, so maybe New Jersey residents aren't as divided over immigration as stated. Why not send surveys to all state residents to get a real picture of their views?

Thanks to Assemblyman Christopher Connors, R-Ocean, a thinking man. He thinks we should stem the problem of illegal immigration first, not establish more panels.

And let's see who's on the panel — there's the immigration advocates, labor officials (let's keep that cheap labor, folks) and, of course, our great Democratic state legislators (have to keep getting those votes).

This governor is selling us out. To quote him: "We have a responsibility to look after the human rights and civil rights of each and every immigrant." What about the legal citizens of this state? How downright pathetic.

Elizabeth Konopacki