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Audio: Pence says immigration compromise is “a thing of the past”posted at 3:40 pm on November 14, 2006 by Allahpundit

Another score for the Laura Ingraham Show. Why would Tom Tancredo be working with a guy who once suppported Ellis Island centers for illegals? Because with a “massive amnesty bill” coming from the White House, the time for intraparty squabbling is over.
Ignoring all my cautions about optimism as well as the hard lessons learned on election night, Mary K thinks Pence has a shot at winning:
It sounds like the race for Leader will certainly be uphill, but he said he’s been getting positive reaction from folks on the Hill. Will they do the right thing and elect a change of leadership?
I think, politically, they have to. Perception is reality in this case. I don’t even have a huge problem with Boehner. He stepped into what was already a bad situation when he became Majority Leader, but the fact remains that he is old leadership, and we need new leadership. And, given that we’ve got a competent, inspiring guy like Pence to provide it, I pray the Republicans will do the right thing. That does not, of course, mean they will.
They won’t.