No Free Ride for Illegals!
Gordon K. Glatz

June 27, 2007
In the past immigrants to our shores had to pass through a holding point until their papers and health were checked. Once admitted to this country they had to learn our History, Government, Geography, and English in order to pass the test for citizenship.

Originally, they came here at the time of the founding of this great country before immigration laws existed. This was a time when these laws were not necessary, when this land was being settled and there was room for growth. As this became a whole country from sea to sea, controls had to be enacted to limit the population, and for our security.

Great influx accrued after each war, bring immigrants from Europe, Japan, Korea etc. All these people had to follow the rules to learn what was necessary to be come citizens, and be able to blend into this melting pot we call our nation.

I believe one of the causes of problems on other Continents is the many languages. Can you imagine what it would be like here if everyone used his or her home language?

The language of this land has always been English, until the adoption of Spanish as a second language some time in the mid twentieth century. The only reason I can see for this is people moving here from possessions of ours that are predominantly Spanish speaking.

They are citizens and have the right to move here if they choose, and are not made to learn English, all though it is this writers understanding that English is taught in their schools. They tend to stay together in their own groups, and associate with their own, forming their own little communities.

The illegals on the other hand are from other mostly Spanish speaking countries. Like thieves in the night, sneaking across our borders, they are prayed upon by greedy companies, who do not want to pay minimum wages.

I get so tired of hearing this bull dished out by the companies that hire these illegals. They have created a myth that Americans will not take those jobs. This is not true.

Non-lazy poor citizens who have little training for other work, and that need work to support their families will take any thing they can get. Some work at two jobs to make ends meet. They know it is illegal for an employer to pay less then the minimum wage, and are more likely to tell on them. There for the employers are not going to hire them. Though there are some types of employment that are not required to pay minimum wage, such as restaurants, where they are compensated with tips, our citizens certainly do take those jobs.

In addition, there is the (so called) right to work law which is nothing but a union buster, where you have unions they cannot pay below scale.

Then there is the equal right to employment law, which requires employers to hire a certain percentage of minority workers. I saw this personally in a plant where I worked. There were daily white people at the front gate looking for work, who were fully quantified for the job openings. They went into the office and asked the black women if they would send any of their black friends or relatives out to apply for the openings. Now these men were not even looking for work, and got a job over the ones who were.

This presses more whites that can qualify for better paying jobs to take lower paying ones, in order to have work. They are not likely to stay with these jobs if some thing better comes their way. Therefore, you have a constant turn over in the low paying jobs. It is not that there are not enough people to fill the jobs, that the employers must seek them from illegals. It is nothing but greed, for the all might buck.

These illegals should be sent back to their own country, along with their children born here. They should not be come automatic citizens when their parents were illegal, and employers not just fined but also given jail time. If it is this easy for anyone to cross our borders, then terrorist could do the same.

If our great government is fighting a war on terror, and are protecting us from them, why are they leaving our borders wide open? ... leID=30514