Friday, August 6, 2010

The debate over whether Carlos Martinelly- Montano's status as an illegal immigrant is relevant to the death and injury he allegedly caused by driving drunk misses the main point ["Fatal crash fuels debate on immigration policies," Metro, Aug. 5]. It is this: Both in living in this country without any right to be here, and in driving a car while drunk and with his license suspended, he displayed utter disregard for the laws of the country.

Some people may regard the former infraction as a mere technicality, but the latter is the undisputed cause of the terrible suffering he allegedly visited on three innocent women and their families and friends. Had he respected and obeyed the law and abstained from driving as his convictions required, his victims would still be hale and healthy.

Possibly Mr. Martinelly-Montano's experience with the immigration system suggested to him that he could with impunity ignore other laws as well. By systematically failing to enforce the immigration laws, the federal government fosters an attitude of disregard for the legal system among people who generally know little of this country. In so doing, the government fails to protect everyone who depends for their safety on enforcement of all our laws.

Beryl Lieff Benderly, Washington ... 06688.html