I'm often amazed this even has to be an issue in this country.
A common language unifies people.


Directors To Discuss Language Ordinance
Monday, August 20, 2007 9:44 AM CDT
By Jeff Arnold

The Fort Smith Board of Directors will consider an ordinance making English the official language of the city of Fort Smith on Tuesday.

The ordinance was placed on the board’s meeting agenda at the request of Ward 4 Director Bill Maddox.

Maddox said a discussion the board had two weeks ago regarding a memo from Police Chief Kevin Lindsey was the catalyst for his proposal.

Lindsey provided the board with a memo, informing directors that he is exploring the merits of section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act that authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to enter into agreements with local law enforcement, permitting trained local officers to perform immigration law enforcement functions.

Lindsey is scheduled to make a full presentation to directors on the merits and drawbacks of entering into a 287(g) agreement at a future board study session.

Although it wasn’t articulated when he asked to have the matter put on the agenda, Maddox said his intent is to have no city-generated communications prepared in any language other than English.

Legal or illegal immigrants in this country should learn to speak English, Maddox said.

The ordinance prepared for the board’s consideration is one sentence stating, “The English language shall be the official language of the city of Fort Smith, Arkansas.â€