Legally Illegal

by ChenangoRenegade
Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:47 pm

It's about time the Immigration Department made their rounds to Chenango County. By no means am I inferring their arrival is voluntarily tardy, as they're clearly overworked and understaffed nationwide. In recent years the illegal immigrant dilemma has worked its away north along Route 17. The epicenter was NYC and slowly many dispersed "heading for the hills". A few years ago illegals could readily be spotted in a garage-like structure adjacent to the Roscoe Diner, dangling from upstairs windows and ignorantly emitting nonsensical noise pollution from their stereos. Now, at short time later, the stage is being set for Sherburne to surface as the next Little Havana. Norwich, too, appears to have been infiltrated with these law breakers.

No one of sound mind has a leg to stand on in a pro-illegal immigrant debate. Illegal means "not lawful -- breaking the law." America, like virtually all nations, was built on imposing consequences on law breakers. The delusion that potential illegals will become upstanding citizens once they've snuck into the U.S. is one of the most futile arguments of all. Someone who sneaks into our country and in the process breaks the law obviously has no respect for our countries or us, the citizens. These people are not in it to improve America. They've got one simple, vested interest -- themselves. Good people pursue happiness lawfully. For the most part, my ancestors arrived in America in the mid-1800's, legally-- as did the predecessors of probably all who are reading this post.

Illegals act as hosts for potentially deadly diseases. Illnesses such as the Swine Flu can be more readily transmitted by those who are under the radar of vaccinations and medical care -- i.e. illegal aliens. Thousands of illegal aliens have committed terrible atrocities against our own law abiding, American citizens. Illegal aliens are flooding our prisons due to related criminal convictions and their overabundant (of illegitimate) children are causing our schools to burst at the seams, as the bleeding heart pinkos use the "No Child Left Behind Nonsense" to support illiterate illegals.

Although some illegals work (illegally, of course) on a regular basis, many hide beyond the "work-seeking facade". Take a ride downstate to Orange County and you'll witnesses hundreds of illegals standing on street corners "looking" for work in Florida and Goshen. Middletown is a real hotbed for these troublemakers. Noon rolls around, and the majority are still loitering -- speaking Spanish and often harassing passerby’s. By 4PM they start clearing out, hitting the convenience stores and exiting with cases of beer. Just like the scene in Sherburne. Did I conduct a green card check? Um, no. But I'm confident these throngs weren't merely a bunch of down and out hard-working Americans. If you're having doubts, perhaps the whole illegal immigrant issue was fabricated. Let me guess, George Bush made up? And now Obama's keeping it going?

Many illegals disrespect America by sneaking in here and then have the colossal gall to not only request but expect services. Unbelievable! They arrogantly feel as if welfare, free medical care, free education, and a whole litany of other free-bees are theirs for the taking. That's pushy and obnoxious, at best.

Illegal immigrants steal jobs from legal Americans. Dishonest contractors may gloat over the fact that pulling up to an "illegal gathering" pointing and shouting, "You, you, you, over there, get in the truck," saves them a buck. In actuality, this self centered mentality is hurting many middle class workers and on a broader scope hindering our economic progress as a nation.

Those who arrive here illegally are unfiltered. They can be anyone and everyone. Consequently, illegals are a national security issue as terrorists can cleverly disguise themselves as "poor", "work seeking" illegals.

I'm a believer in America as a melting pot. Immigrants are responsible for making our country the very best nation in the world – legal immigrants. We have strength in our diversity, yet the ability to come together as one. Variety is indeed the spice of life. And it applies to people of different backgrounds. But please, keep the Water Hemlock, Jimsonweed, and Mountain Laurel out of our melting pot. America depends on it.
ChenangoRenegade ... 886#p50879