Anti-American Czars, Executive Orders, Treaties

Gladiator battle of the century - Obama and congress vs. ‘The people of America’

By Dr. Laurie Roth
Thursday, September 30, 2010

The battle is on, the cameras and media whores offer their sold out close ups and distortions while the political blood flies. The strategies to win this all or nothing match are clear but who will win?

Strategy for Obama and congress is most clear: Lie, seduce, play the race card, promise, call names, create crises, divert media attention and operate around the American people, rule of law and constitution. Do it in a fast and furious way so no one will have time to respond.

Obama battle gear:

Anti American CZARS

Obama rerouted the socialist transformation road around congress by assigning 32 czars into positions of regulatory and policy control, only answering to him not congress. It is most clear from Obama’s response the last two years to any criticism and challenges to his ‘socialist change plans’ that he hates our constitution and any constraints to his view of power. There isn’t enough time to possibly overview all his czars but here are a just a few descriptions found on Glenn Becks site:

Cass Sunstein – Regulatory Czar - Liberal activist judge believes free speech needs to be limited for the “common goodâ€