By NWV News writer Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
September 5, 2011
© 2011 NewsWithViews.com

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) http://issa.house.gov/ yesterday announced the "personnel changes" for three officials involved in the law enforcement snafu known as "Operation Fast and Furious." However, many observers believe the three officials are merely scapegoats being sacrificed to protect the more powerful in the U.S. capital.

The Department of Justice personnel changes impacted Arizona's U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, http://issa.house.gov/ Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Acting Director Kenneth Melson, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Emory Hurley.

The DOJ announced that acting ATF director Kenneth Melson, http://articles.latimes.com/2011/aug/30 ... n-20110830 who began his agency leadership in 2009, was being replaced and transferred to the Office of Legal Policy. The ATF announcement coincided with a DOJ announcement that the U.S. Attorney for Arizona, Dennis Burke, was resigning. Burke oversaw the legal aspects of the Fast and Furious operation, providing advice to the law enforcement agents involved. Meanwhile, Hurley resigned from his post.

“In my opinion, Melson and Burke weren’t fired because if they were unemployed or disgraced they’d be more likely to cooperate with investigators still probing one of the worst law enforcement scandals in recent history,â€