Duncan Hunter tackles the nanny state
by Jackson Citizen Patriot
Thursday January 10, 2008, 2:41 PM

NBC News
Duncan Hunter, R-California, is running for president.Education issues are not the foundation of Duncan Hunter's bid for the Republican presidential nomination.
He's mostly running on an anti-immigration platform.

But the veteran California congressman is a proponent of school of choice, parents rights and homeschooling.

On his campaign Web site, Duncan says the 2 million homeschooled children in this country need a voice:

"...It is important that we make every effort to ensure these students have the same access and opportunities to federal benefits, such as financial aid, as those who attend public school."

Hunter is seen as a long shot for the GOP nomination -- or winning Tuesday's primary for that matter.

But he's still campaigning around the state, with stops planned this week in Caro, Flint, Battle Creek and Livonia.

Here's what Hunter told The Des Moines Register in July about education and inspiring kids.

In some of Hunter's campaign literature, he seems to take on the country's perceived nanny state (which the public education system is accused to fueling).

Hunter says "recent judicial rulings recognizing "de-facto" or "psychological" parents" undermines parental authority and allows "any adult with an association with the child to make parental claims."

Campaign Web Site


Current Position

U.S. Representative, California


Birthdate: May 31, 1948, Riverside, Calif. (Age: 59)
Education: Western St. University, B.S.L & J.D. 1976
Military: Army, 1969-71
Family: Married (Lynne Hunter), Two children (Duncan Duane and Sam)
Hometown: Alpine, Calif.
Religion: Protestant

Career Highlights

• U.S. Congressman, Calif., 1980 - present
• Practicing attorney, 1976-80

Sources: CBS News & GoHunter08.com

COMMENTS (1)Post a comment
Posted by srath on 01/11/08 at 11:51AM
Duncan Hunter is the best man for the job and deserves more attention from the media. If more people knew what he stands for and what his record is then he would be a front runner. Unfortunately, the media seems to decide who the public has to choose from by only covering those they deem worthy. Well, Duncan Hunter is the only man running who represents my wishes for our country 100%. He not only talks about what he stands for, the man actually does something to make a difference. Just look at his record to find out for yourselves. He is an honest, respectable man who all Americans can be proud to call Mr. President. I sincerely hope more Americans will do some research of their own and not rely on the television media for their information because if they do then Duncan Hunter will rise to the top. Go Duncan Hunter!

http://www.mlive.com/elections/index.ss ... unter.html