Birthright Citizenship Act adds 25 more Cosponsors
Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 2009

Rep. Nathan Deal's (R-Ga.) bill to end Birthright Citizenship added 25 new cosponsors after the Memorial Day recess. The bill currently has 71 cosponsors in addition to Deal and is one of the five bills closely followed by NumbersUSA.

The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009 would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act. Under the bill, a person born in the United States gains citizenship if one of the person's parents is:

a citizen or national of the United States;
an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States whose residence is in the United States; or
an alien performing active service in the armed forces.

Congressmen Who...
Sponsored the Birthright Citizenship Act
Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 2:51 PM

Total 72 Sponsors
(AL) Bachus
(AL) Bonner
(AL) Rogers
(AZ) Franks
(AR) Boozman
(CA) Bilbray
(CA) Calvert
(CA) Campbell
(CA) Herger
(CA) Lungren
(CA) McKeon
(CA) Milner
(CA) Rohrabacher
(CA) Royce
(CO) Coffman
(CO) Lamborn
(GA) Broun
(GA) Deal
(GA) Gingrey
(GA) Kingston
(GA) Linder
(GA) Price
(GA) Westmoreland
(FL) Bilirakis
(FL) Mica
(FL) Posey
(FL) Stearns
(IL) Roskam
(IN) Burton
(IN) Pence
(IN) Souder
(KY) Davis
(KY) Whitfield
(LA) Alexander
(MD) Bartlett
(MI) McCotter
(MN) Kline
(MS) Taylor
(MO) Akin
(MO) Graves
(NE) Fortenberry
(NE) Smith
(NV) Heller
(NJ) Garrett
(NY) King
(NC) Coble
(NC) Foxx
(NC) Jones
(NC) Myrick
(OH) Jordan
(OK) Sullivan
(PA) Pitts
(PA) Shuster
(SC) Brown
(SC) Wilson
(TN) Duncan
(TN) Wamp
(TX) Brady
(TX) Burgess
(TX) Carter
(TX) Conaway
(TX) Culberson
(TX) Gohmert
(TX) Hall
(TX) Hensarling
(TX) Johnson
(TX) Marchant
(TX) Neugebauer
(TX) Poe
(TX) Sessions
(TX) Smith
(UT) Chaffetz

Official H.R. 1868 cosponsor list ... 01868:@@@P ... nsors.html