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Obama vs. McCain On The Immigration Issue
Posted Jun 20th 2008 12:00PM by Faye Anderson
Filed under: BlackSpin, Elections, Barack Obama, John McCain

It is getting rough out there. Barack Obama and John McCain are sparring over a wide range of issues, including public financing, Iraq, terrorism, offshore drilling and chivalry.

But there is one issue they are not fighting over: illegal immigration. Obama voted for the McCain-Kennedy bill that would have granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. The legislation was scuttled after angry calls to Congress crashed the U.S. Capitol switchboard.

So while Obama and McCain are in broad agreement about "comprehensive immigration reform," there are some differences. Obama supports the "DREAM Act," which would provide a path to citizenship for an estimated one million "unauthorized youth" who arrived in the United States before age 16.

Obama also supports giving drivers' licenses to illegals, a position that McCain opposes.

Illegal immigration is off the Congressional legislative agenda, but it is a hot topic in state capitols. In the first quarter of 2008 alone, more than 1,100 bills were introduced in 44 states.

It will also be a hot topic next month in San Diego where the National Council of La Raza is holding its annual conference. Obama and McCain are expected to appear before the group in the hopes of shoring up their support among Latino voters.

Though McCain has a longtime relationship with Latinos (he received 70 percent of the Latino vote in his 2004 reelection bid), Obama is leading him in presidential preference polls. According to the latest Gallup poll, Hispanics prefer Obama 57 percent to McCain's 27 percent.

It seems to me that McCain better get in touch with the legal citizens of America to win this election. If he does not he is a goner.