... andate.htm

The United Nation's Millenium Mandate

A must read for those wanting to understand the impact of Globalization on the people of the United States.

Organizations like the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Institute and others funded the Summit.

Note that ILGA, (International Lesbian and Gay Association) in coalition with NAMBLA (North American Man and Boys Love Association) has secured a position in this summit and the United Nations Millenium Agenda, which is the Globalists Agenda, as "consultative" organizations. Clinton, due to embarassment suspended ILGA.

Their interest in the New World Order was to change the age consent law for children through the New World Order (Millenium Agenda) to six years of age.

There are at least 2 instances I found where the ACLU defended members of NAMBLA in pedophile cases.

The links between the Ford Foundation, ACLU, NAMBLA, United Nations Millennium Agenda (the globalists agenda), and some very sick things....are numerous.

Globalism is not only about economic's about change to the social fabric of our lives, the difference right and wrong, decent and indecent.

There is more at stake in the fight against illegal immigration and the globalists (Open Border Lobby) underwriting it than our jobs.

The more we learn, the more sickening it is.....

It's like facing Evil square in the Face....if not the Devil Himself.

It reminds me of the days of Caligula....and the fall of the Roman Empire.

To learn more about who is the Open Borders Lobby click here: "Open Borders Lobby Ford Foundation"