Don't listen the the whines and cries of the "dirty" farmer who flouts the hiring laws and/or does all he can to ensure cheap, exploited labor:

Off-shoring jobs across the border

Paul Dec
The Daily Evergreen
Published: 09/06/2007 00:00:00

It’s disgusting, really. A man brought up on quality American principles, starting his business with a family farm in California and expanding it into a $50 million agriculture machine, according to The New York Times. It’s all well and good until you understand that most of his workers are illegal immigrants willing to work for next to nothing to support their families. That is as low as it gets in my books and yet, somehow Steve Scaroni has stooped sub sea-level to something even more ridiculous. Instead of getting his workers to cross the border illegally, he legally crossed the border to start new fields in Central Mexico. Now, obviously it’s not an immigration issue – I mean, the only person who crossed the border in this situation is Scaroni. The problem I have with this is that it supports the same cheap labor that so many Americans – liberal and conservative alike – have fought to remove from the world. How many times have you heard people screaming and shouting over sweatshop labor in Asia and ridiculously low farm and minimum wage businesses in America? You’ve probably heard it quite a bit and now it’s being supported in another country close to our borders. What can be done? Little, as always. We could try to impose added taxes for American farmers taking their crops across the border, or impose production limits. That solution is not as effective as we’d want it to be. These farmers will still be making more money than they would if they were growing their crops in the states and would not feel at all obliged to return to legitimize their businesses. So, while Congress spends years debating on what to do about these renegade farmers, they’ll be making millions of dollars on their cash crops. This is ridiculous. What happened to the American dream our generation grew up with? Take what you got, turn it into something more, and make other people happy as you go. That was something I was raised to believe in, something I still hold as part of my life’s mission today. At what point did the American dream become a mission to make all the money you can while treating your employees like dirt? When did it become a dream of hitting the loopholes and avoiding the legislation meant to put down corrupt economic policy? I anxiously await the day when Americans are shocked back into what the American dream was supposed to be, what the New Deal was supposed to help us accomplish, what the Great Society was supposed to create and what should be the envy of any man, American or otherwise. Until that day, this country and these loophole sharpshooters will continue to degrade into a state of dirty marketing and financial backstabbing.