looks like were not the only country with these kind of problems!

The 12 illegal immigrants were sitting on mattresses eating sandwiches.

Party walls had been knocked down between Lee’s home and two adjoining properties to create a living space for several families, with an electric light dangling from the roof.

Shocked Lee, 33, closed the hatch and dialled 999. Police raced to his rented house and scrambled the force helicopter – but by the time they arrived the loft dwellers had gone.

Lee, wife Caroline and their four kids had just moved into the £500-a-month terraced home in West Bromwich, West Midlands.

He said: “I decided to have a look in the loft space and popped my head through the hatch.

There was a light dangling from the roof and about a dozen people, men, women and a baby who started to cry when she saw me. They were eating sandwiches and just stared back at me. I was scared and shut the hatch straight away.

“The police were here within 20 minutes but the people had gone. They’d taken their mattresses and bedding but left behind a table, chairs and toys. The police think they’re illegal Kosovan immigrants but God knows where they are now – they just vanished.â€