Wonder why the planned truck blockade of DC was less than stellar?

Don't be too hard on the independent truckers. After all, the word "independent" means exactly that, working on one's own without a supporting network or coordinator. Also keep in mind the extremely high cost of diesel fuel and vehicle cost/maintenance. After all, you ain't makin' money unless you got a load and the wheels are turnin', and riding around in circles is paying nobody's bills. That means a double hit financially for a trucker wanting to participate in any such action. You can also forget the protest signs on the sides and backs of trailers that have been suggested because most independents nowadays own the tractor but not neccessarily the trailer they are pulling.

Unlike the farmer protest which circled DC, truckers don't just risk losing one piece of equipment from their inventory (a tractor), they risk losing their commercial license AND all their equipment in a law enforcement backlash. Effectively, they lose their ability to provide for themselves entirely for some period of time. That is a VERY high price to pay to excercise their right to freedom of speech, especially when vast multitudes of their fellow Americans are sitting at home with a Coke or a beer grousing and little else.

As for the company drivers and union drivers, well they would certainly be fired for participating in a political action in a company vehicle. (Keep in mind many of the corporations are behind a lot of the corruption in government to start with) Unions could not call a strike action against the government and not even against a company except for the most severe contract violation. Speaking of the unions, don't be deceived by the BS they are piping in all of a sudden. As I recall many of their leaders were waving banners and slapping backs in support of last year's pro-illegal rallies. If you want to get the big picture on where they REALLY stand check out this document at:

http://www.nlpc.org/pdfs/union_immigrat ... _24_06.pdf

Matter of fact, perhaps you can clue in some of your union friends and relatives to the facts because most of them are just stumbling along believing whatever they are told by their "handlers"!