Ohio Immigration Raid, Not a Priority

August 29th, 2007 by whymrhymer

On Tuesday of this week, a force of about 300 federal, state and local officials raided the Koch Chicken Processing Plant in Butler County Ohio and arrested 160 people suspected of being illegal aliens. The men and women arrested are not just Mexican’s, they were from eight countries — not all of these countries have been named. The raid was the result of a 2-1/2 year investigation of Koch by federal and local officials — they were suspected of knowingly hiring illegal aliens which would mean, if the charges can be proven, that Koch can be facing a very large fine, and some of the Koch officials could be looking at jail time. A simultaneous raid was conducted on Koch’s headquarters in Chicago, where records were seized but no arrests were made.

To be honest, my first thought was: yes, these people are here illegally and are costing legal taxpayers one way or the other, but that’s a lot of manpower, hours and money spend just to catch people who really did come here just to work. If I were in charge, these would be the very last of the illegal immigrants I’d worry about.

In 2006, if you remember, the federal government instituted a nationwide initiative called “Return to Sender.â€