House votes down immigration bill

Rep. George Faught, R-Muskogee, says he won’t bring up his anti-illegal immigration House Bill 1446 again this session, which could end as early as Friday. He says he will try to bring the issue up again next year.

Published: May 18, 2011

Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives joined together Tuesday to reject by a 2-1 margin an anti-illegal immigration bill.

Republicans mostly complained it was a watered-down version that did nothing to crack down on illegal immigration in the state while Democrats said either they opposed the concept altogether or asked that lawmakers spend more time on the issue.

A participant listens to speakers during an immigration rally last month at the state Capitol. Photo by Sarah Phipps, The Oklahoman Archives

The House voted 62-31 to reject a conference report on the latest version of House Bill 1446, which is the only anti-illegal immigration measure left alive this session.

The measure’s author, Rep. George Faught, R-Muskogee, made a motion to table the bill, a move that would keep the measure alive so it could be brought up again next year.

Is this the bill’s end?
Faught said HB 1446 won’t be brought up again this session, which could end as soon as Friday.
“It won’t be heard,â€