OMG! Mean spirited IA program in Irving causing stale snacks at Mike Granger's convenience store!!! Oh the humanity! On and complete economic devestation is occuring because Irving, TX is enforcing the law!!! Folks, I have now seen and read it all. This one just might take the cake for the biggest libtard-libidiot IA hugger bleeding heart moron newspaper editorial of them all:

Editorial: Immigrant crackdown proving rash, damaging
Web Posted: 10/26/2007 06:18 PM CDT
San Antonio Express-News

Frustrated by the lethargy β€” and lack of political courage β€” in Congress, the city of Irving has decided to take matters into its own hands.
The frustration is understandable.

When it comes to important issues, legislators are good at bickering but bad at deciding. And no issue seems to inspire more inertia than illegal immigration.

So Irving police officers, encouraged by municipal leaders, are turning over suspected undocumented workers to federal immigration officials.

Police have turned over more than 1,500 people, the Dallas Morning News reported. The move is part of a federal policy called the Criminal Alien Program, which encourages cooperation between police and customs agents.

"It does not deal with illegal aliens," Tom Spink, a member of the City Council, told the newspaper. "It deals with criminal illegal aliens."

Spink must think that redundancy bolsters his argument. But nobody argues whether undocumented workers are here illegally. The point is whether cities should waste precious resources performing the duties of the federal government.

The crackdown sparked a recent protest in the Dallas suburb, with about 1,000 protestors waving U.S. flags and chanting, "We are America."

The rally was peaceful, but the issue has created an ugly divide between supporters and critics of immigration reform. And mean-spirited programs do nothing to encourage thoughtful debate.

If promoting a reasonable discussion on the issue is not enough to sway the anti-immigrant forces, however, perhaps cold economics is. The crackdown on undocumented workers has hurt business in Irving. And local businessmen are not amused.

"I'm picking up stales," Mike Granger, who sells snacks at his convenience store, told the Houston Chronicle. "My customers have disappeared."

With the workers disappearing, it is no wonder that commerce is fading as well. ... 0732b.html