Copyright 2007 San Francisco Chronicle
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Illegal workers must go

Editor - I keep hoping for some balance from the media, but it just isn't happening. Once again, The Chronicle has glorified breaking the law and distorted the truth in the process (Editorial, "A war on state's economy," Aug. 19).

Reality check No. 1: Only 2 percent of illegal immigrants work in agriculture. The future of agriculture in California is in mechanization, not an endless stream of illegal workers who get free health care, free education for their kids, welfare and even subsidized mortgages.

Reality check No. 2: Poll after poll shows that a majority of Americans want immigration laws enforced and oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. When given the choice between amnesty and attrition through enforcement, an overwhelming number of citizens support attrition through enforcement. In this scenario, the jobs and benefits magnets are removed and illegal immigrants return home on their own.

I have another question for the pollsters quoted in the "Voice of the West." Did you survey illegal immigrants or just California citizens? What a surprise it would be if illegal immigrants didn't want immigration laws enforced.


Novato -- -- --

Editor - The Chronicle's foolish editorial on the Bush administration's war on employers ignores one basic fact: The American people want the immigration mess cleaned up. No one in the government has been more "open borders"-friendly than President Bush and his immigrant-friendly team. My solution? Go after the employers beginning with the grape growers. After all, we don't need wine.