Open border policies danger to national stability
Published: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 -- The Truth, A4
Last updated: 11/21/2005 4:49:39 PM
The recent rioting in France is primarily the result of the open borders policy established by the European Union, allowing the flood of North Africans and Muslims to pour into Europe far beyond those nations' capacity to assimilate. On Nov. 9, Prime Minister Chirac of France declared a state of emergency and stated that "the effectiveness of the immigration policy is now in question."

The great Greek philosopher Aristotle noted, "A cause of revolution is difference of races which do not at once acquire a common spirit. A state is not the growth of a day. Hence the reception of strangers, in colonies either at time of their foundation or afterwards has generally produced revolution." Throughout history, wise men have recognized the danger to national cohesion, stability and security posed by high levels of immigration beyond a nation's ability to assimilate. Webster's definition of assimilate is: to alter and absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group.

Are America's leaders ignoring the lessons of history? Presently, the move is on to pressure Congress to support the Security and Prosperity Partnership plan by passing "guest worker" bills and totally opening borders to Mexico and Canada. This is a precursor to the Free Trade Area of the Americas, which is the elimination of immigration and trade restrictions between all 34 nations in the Western Hemisphere (see "Violence flares at Summit of Americas," news story, Nov. 5).

The architects of world government promote and use wars and revolutions as the tools for the enactment of more restrictive and tyrannical rules on free men. They openly state that the EU is the model for our hemisphere. This is the great deception of our free trade and immigration policies. It is the subversion of our constitutional protections by the powerful elites.

Our founding fathers warned that government at any level tends to accumulate power. They warned how fragile liberty really is. "The natural progress of things," wrote Thomas Jefferson, "is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." The passage of time can make man forgetful. As a nation, have we forgotten the wisdom of the founding fathers?

