Chico Enterprise-Record
Posted: 03/04/2009 12:00:00 AM PST

This has to be another slap in the face of every American taxpayer.
Illegal aliens can apply for mortgage relief under the Obama administration's $275 billion plan, according to immigration experts and a group the government will use to help homeowners modify loans.

Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C., told WorldNetDaily approximately 1 million households headed by illegal immigrants acquired mortgages through the beginning of 2007, before the housing bubble burst. "There is no legal prohibition against illegal immigrants owning homes," he said, "and in most cases mortgage lenders will accept a taxpayer ID or a Matricula Consular card issued by a Mexican Consulate office as identification to illegal immigrants from Mexico."

Most of these people received loans under false pretenses and are part of the problem with the housing crisis, yet our liberal government is going to include them with the bailout?

When will the madness and all the gimmes end?

— Vern Leathers, Chico