Immigrants allowed no freedom
Our View
Issue date: 2/6/07 Section: Viewpoint

Eric Strand Columnist
Kristen Kligis Columnist
Deanne St. John Columnist
Mary Yurgil Editor In Chief

Now when a person is sent in for booking at their local police station they not only have to give up their name and fingerprints but their DNA as well. Well, not everyone.

According to an amendment made to the Violence Against Women Act, passed in January 2006, anyone detained by the police now has to submit a DNA sample. The largest group being targeted is illegal immigrants.

It seems like our government is doing everything it can to get these people out of our country or to scare them from coming here.

Now when immigrants are caught crossing the border or caught for petty crimes, they are asked for a sample of their DNA.

This is outrageous. Our question is what is the point and who is going to pay for all this testing and sample collecting? Not only will this bring more work to the government, but it will cost tax payers more money.

The Justice Department wants this new law to keep rapists and murderers from harming too many people. Some women's rights groups are saying the law will help determine sexual predators and criminals amongst illegal immigrants.

Why is this group of people being targeted? It seems like the government is making it obvious they do not care for the people in this country that have come here to seek employment and a better life for their families. The fact that this amendment was added to an act without anyone noticing it makes the law itself a little fishy. What else have lawmakers done that we the people don't know about?

It's hard enough as it is to track down people who are legal in this country let alone illegal which brings up another problem.

With DNA samples being given to the government for analysis, certain illnesses and mental diseases could be spotted. The argument against this is that is personal information that should not be shared.

While we think the government has good intentions with this law they have taken a poor approach. Their rocky start may lead to more discussion about the law and maybe aid the public in deciding what they want done.

Even though it's a federal issue the public still has the right to know what kind of laws are being passed and who is being targeted.

The fact that the law is being used to target illegal immigrants is where the government went wrong. Why do they think this group of people need watching? Have there been a large amount of rapes and murders committed by this group of people that they need special attention?

According to the article in the New York Times, there were no such statistics that proved this to be true.

We ask what about the countless number of other groups in the United States, why aren't they being watched as closely?

This relates back to the unlawful search and seizure laws that our government claimed they so desperately needed to keep careful watch on people of middle eastern descent.

It just isn't right.
