... dloc09.txt

Last modified Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:28 PM PST

Rally supports immigrant rights

PORTLAND — A march to denounce the Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Act, HR 4437, will begin at noon Saturday, March 4, in Pioneer Courthouse Square, Southwest Morrison Street.

The event, titled “Respect All Workers: No Human Being Is Illegal,” also will address the controversial immigration reform platform of Oregon gubernatorial candidate Ron Saxton and includes marching to Saxton’s Portland campaign office.

Speakers will include leaders from immigrant, labor and religious communities as well as state politicians.

Also known as the Sensenbrenner Bill, HR 4437 passed in the U.S. House of Representatives in December, and now is in the U.S. Senate. It is proposed as a way to strengthen immigration penalties and border security, however, critics say it goes too far in targeting and penalizing undocumented immigrants.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to take up immigration reform this week. For more information, call PCUN/CAUSA at 503-982-0243, ext. 213, or see