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Monday, June 5, 2006


Our foundations are rotting

Posted: June 5, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Barbara Simpson

© 2006
Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

Yes, indeed, the United States is in trouble and it's coming at us from all sides, external and internal.

This country is not only facing divisive criticism on the international scene, but we're also facing internal divisions that in the long run, and possibly sooner than that, will change this country forever.

Illegal immigration finally became the hot political topic in Washington after years of the situation being ignored. It never mattered that border states were faced daily with the crime, financial burdens and social disruption. It was only when the invasion of illegals spread across the country and the Minutemen decided to do something about it that politicians and the media couldn't pretend anymore that the problem didn't exist.

It doesn’t hurt that there are two big, upcoming elections. It's amazing what happens when self-interest is at stake.

They call it ''comprehensive immigration reform,'' but what it boils down to is amnesty for people who intentionally and knowingly broke the law and sneaked into the country to take advantage of our social and economic opportunities.

As if amnesty wasn't bad enough, these same lawbreakers will be rewarded by a fast-track to full citizenship. The plan involves a variety of alleged penalties, but they're really whitewashed free passes to freedoms these people neither recognize nor appreciate. They just want to be here on their terms, and people in positions of power in our government are willing to meet the demands.

In my opinion, the ''T'' word is not too strong to describe the motivations of Judas politicians and others who would betray the men and women who spilled their blood and gave their lives to preserve our freedoms and the history and culture of our country.

They're all too wiling to sell out the country and our future to special interests, many of which believe the southwestern part of this country really belongs to Mexico and plan to take it back.

At the very least, there's a great movement among illegals not to assimilate to become Americans, but to maintain their native culture under the Stars and Stripes with the added blessing of easy citizenship.

We have politicians pandering to these people to gain and keep political power. If that isn't a form of treason, I don’t know what is.

Another divisive movement is coming up for discussion on the Senate floor in the next few weeks. It's commonly called the Akaka bill, named for Hawaii Democrat, Sen. Daniel Akaka.

Officially, the measure is S.3064, the native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2005. Formerly it was S.147 and H.R.309.

Akaka's been working on it for years and, in addition to Democrat support, it's gathered a number of Republican co-sponsors including Norm Coleman, Ted Stevens and the continually misguided Lindsey Graham.

Essentially, the bill creates a new tribe of indigenous people – Native Hawaiians – who will have their own government entity that will deal and negotiate on an equal level with the United States and the state of Hawaii on issues of land use, education, commerce, the economy, civil justice and overall culture.

According to the bill itself, Native Hawaiian people will:

exercise their inherent rights as a distinct, indigenous, native community to reorganize a native Hawaiian governing entity for the purpose of giving expression to their rights as a native people to self-determination and self governance.
The Native Hawaiian people wish to preserve, develop, and transmit to future generations of Native Hawaiians their lands and Native Hawaiian political and cultural identity in accordance with their traditions, beliefs, customs and practices, language, and social and political institutions to control and manage their own lands, including ceded lands, and to achieve greater self-determination over their own affairs.

Keep in mind there already is an Office of Hawaiian Affairs in that state with a multi-million dollar budget. Native Hawaiians in the state also benefit from land protecting laws such as:

special health care services

educational programs

employment and training programs

economic development assistance programs

children's services

conservation programs

fish and wildlife protection

agricultural programs

native language immersion programs

native language immersion schools, K-12

college and master's degree programs in native language immersion instruction and

traditional justice programs.
There is nothing in the bill which says that any of the existing social-welfare programs for native Hawaiians will be eliminated – only that they will be given more power and budgets to support it.

What does the administration think of all this? Who knows, but judging by the president's support of amnesty and a guest-worker program for illegals, one might suppose he'd like this one too. After all, there’s that upcoming election, and it appears Republicans have lost any semblance of a backbone.

Under the bill, a U.S Office for Native Hawaiian Relations (at least three people) would be established in the Interior Department to work with the new Native Hawaiian governing entity (nine members) and must consult with it before doing anything that might potentially affect native Hawaiian resources, rights or lands. The entity will establish a list of all qualified, adult Native Hawaiians who will have the power to vote.

In addition, the Native Hawaiian Interagency Coordinating Group will consist of officials from all affected federal agencies.

Who will be designated ''Native Hawaiians"?' Who will decide? Who will serve on the Native Hawaiian governing entity? What's the limit of their powers? What salaries will be paid? Under what budget? What a lot of questions!

And the Congressional Budget Office tells us with a straight face it will cost ''nearly $1 million annually in fiscal years 2006-2008 and less than $500,000 in each subsequent year.''

The potential scope of this measure is astonishing because what it really does is establish a separate government within a state and our country for people designated Native Hawaiians – essentially people who have some degree of pure Hawaiian blood. That leaves out anyone else who is an American citizen and legal resident of the state of Hawaii.

And you thought we have problems with separatists in the Southwest?

On top of this internal division, international terrorism is the war we're in for the foreseeable future, but jihadists aren't the only ones relishing our potential downfall.

Just look at what's going on – the war in Iraq, complete with growing animosity by the surviving 60s activists reliving their Vietnam anti-war sentiments redux.

Add to them, the voices of younger, less-informed but empowered youth, who after years of self-indulgence now believe they've found a cause to define their lives with some meaning.

The only problem is their ignorance of history, facts and reality. They're aided by media, populated with the same cohort of liberal/do-good/anti-government/anti-U.S. activists who use their bully pulpit to influence U.S. citizens and international opinion.

Not only is the government – specifically the Republican administration and President George Bush – targeted for everything done (or not done), but the military has become a direct, personal target.

This time, the critics go beyond attacking the brass and the Pentagon's direction of the war, as was done in Vietnam. This time, the men and women in battle are the targets – while they are in battle.

Active military and their actions are scrutinized. Active military are charged with abuse of the enemy, of unjustified attacks, and yes, of murder. It's gotten so bad that active military are being subjected to forced lectures on battlefield ethics and better understanding of the culture of the enemy.

The battles we're in, on every level, are like being bitten to death by ducks or perhaps, more explicitly, death by a thousand cuts.

Either way, it's not pretty and it's painful.

Either way, the end is the same – the end.

I don’t know about you, but that's not what I want.