Saturday, July 15, 2006
Last modified Friday, July 14, 2006 9:13 PM PDT

To our illegals and their enablers, thanks

By: PHIL STRICKLAND - For The Californian

When illegal immigrants and their enablers took to the streets in May, they did those of us who believe in the rule of law a favor. For that, we owe them a big "thank you."

Before May, illegal immigration was not a front-burner issue in the sense that Johnny Lunchbucket paid that much attention to it. There were organizations, notably the Minutemen, that to some degree had captured the imagination of a few average folks, but largely there seemed to be a perception it was a fringe issue that was most important to the states bordering Mexico.

Members of the U.S. Senate and House were head-butting one another over what to do about it, but even so, it pretty much remained the stuff of talking heads on cable channels. There was no real public face of the costs and consequences of illegal immigration.

Then, in an effort to bust the issue wide open, force those mean House members to back down from their "border-security first" position and propel the amnesty sought by the Bush-McCain-Kennedy evil axis to victory, the illegals and their cohorts started marching. They chanted about the Eurodevils' seizure of their native land. They waved Mexican flags in our faces and told us in no uncertain terms that they were going to take back their country. Oh, they also wanted all the rights of law-abiding citizens while they were doing it. Those actions galvanized the American public and left few folks not knowing exactly where they stood on illegal immigration.

It is much too early to celebrate victory in this battle. Still, things are happening. House members apparently have stiffened their resolve and last month approved two spending bills that included provisions to refuse millions of dollars in aid to cities and states with "sanctuary" policies that prohibit local government officials, including police officers, from alerting federal authorities about possible immigration-law violators.

Among states where the message is getting through is Colorado, where lawmakers have sent 11 bills dealing with illegal immigrants to the governor and two questions straight to the November ballot. One bill would halt non-emergency state benefits to adult illegals. Another would require employers to keep records proving they did their best to verify their employees are legal.

Failure to comply can result in fines up to $20,000 per violation. One ballot proposition asks whether companies that knowingly hire illegals should be denied certain tax benefits.

Closer to home, Escondido Councilwoman Marie Waldron has taken a cue from Hazleton, Pa., and proposed an ordinance that would make it illegal to rent to illegal immigrants. That sent shudders through the illegal community. Landlords and fair-housing advocates claim it would violate state and federal housing laws, but that view is questionable because public-housing agencies already require proof of citizenship or legal residency from applicants. Waldron reportedly has the early support of two other council members, giving her a one-vote majority on the five-member council.

Escondido is not alone. In Vista, the City Council unanimously passed an ordinance last month that requires employers who hire day laborers to register with the city, and signatures are being gathered in San Bernardino to have an initiative similar to the one proposed by Waldron placed on the November ballot.

It is gratifying to see some local, state and federal officials getting the idea, but let's not forget, it was people in the streets ---- the illegals ---- and the reaction of the Lunchbuckets that really got the ball rolling. It remains imperative that we get the message out. Want my vote? Want my business? Then stand up and be counted. Pressure properly placed and applying the law will obviate the need for any roundup and deportation of illegals.

They have shown us the way. Thanks again.

Phil Strickland is a regular columnist for The Californian. E-mail: