Scott, Sink Make Last Sell For Governor In Final Debate
October 26, 2010

TAMPA, Fla. -- In the final gubernatorial debate before next week's election, Republican Rick Scott and Democrat Alex Sink appeared to be civil at first before launching a barrage of attacks at one another.

"Your bank was sued and you paid fines. That's called fraud," Scott said during Monday night's nationally televised debate at the University of South Florida.

"You can't lecture me about fraud," Sink retorted.

On the issue of illegal immigration, Scott said the federal government needs a policy to secure the U.S. borders.

"We need to know who's in our country," Scott said. "However, if you're in our country illegally and you're doing something wrong and you're stopped by law enforcement, just like you get asked, I get asked for my ID, you should be able to ask if you're legal or not."

"Florida is not Arizona," Sink responded. "But I would have a plan that would call for increasing the fines and penalties on businesses that knowingly hire illegal workers and take jobs away from Floridians and from legal immigrants."