Patrick J. Buchanan, Next President of the United States
By Paul Streitz
Sep 21, 2006, 10:55

Patrick J. Buchanan will be the next President of the United States. Mr. Buchanan is the most qualified man for the position. Mr. Buchanan is the most deserving of the position. Mr. Buchanan is the man whose views most closely align with the vast majority of the American voters. He will win an overwhelming, landslide victory in 2008.

Every opinion poll, every discussion in the street and every newspaper’s letters-to-the-editors column shows that Americans want the borders secured and the illegal immigrants removed from our country. Every piece of economic data shows that middle-class life is threatened with the loss of jobs, outsourcing and manufacturing abroad.

Every middle-class American knows that "globalization" means, "I might lose my job," while the Washington politicians, newspaper reporters and economists get to keep theirs. Every middle-class American knows that NAFTA, CAFTA and all the other free trade agreements are SHAFT-A the American workers. Jobs go out, but none come in. Can anyone name a factory that has opened up to manufacture goods and send them to China or Mexico?

Every American knows that there is something drastically wrong when 90% of the goods sold in Wal-Mart are made in China.

Every American knows that there is something vastly wrong in this country when 500,000 Mexicans march in the streets of Los Angeles carrying the Mexican flag.

Every American knows something is wrong when they see signs, "White Racists Go Back to Europe."

Every American knows that something is wrong when four Mexican families move into the house next door and park their cars on the front lawn.

African-Americans especially are beginning to see that the Democratic Party has sold out to the Reconquistas. The average African-American sees the loss of jobs and the loss of his neighborhood to the millions of illegals in the country.

The election of 2008 may see a majority of African-Americans vote Republican for the first time in decades. This election may be the end of the unwavering African-American allegiance to the Democratic Party as African-Americans realize that Democrats have sold them out for the now more numerous Hispanic vote.

But most of all, every American sees the Mexican invasion every morning on every street corner in every town throughout the country. From Maine, to Oregon, to Florida every town has dozens of illegals hanging out, looking for work in violation of federal laws.

Every American knows that putting the National Guard on the border was a phony public relations gimmick. The Guard only brought the Border Patrol coffee and now they have disappeared.

Americans realize something is wrong when American 35,000 troops protect the South Koreans from the North Koreans, but any person with a water bottle can walk across our southern border.

John McCain is yesterday’s news as a candidate for the Republican Party. There will be a mass walkout before the Republican base votes for a man who co-sponsored the McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill, which gives amnesty to millions of illegals and opens up the border to mass legal immigration.

Rudy Giuliani is dead in the water. The Republican base is not going to vote for a mayor who sued the federal government to prevent the New York City police from co-operating with immigration authorities. The result, five illegal Mexicans living on Long Island Rail Road property raped and murdered a woman. One is now a life-prisoner, while the other four are hiding out in Mexico.

Newt Gingrich is the architect of that great sucking sound, the jobs flying to Mexico: NAFTA. It was with Newt’s assistance that the greatest betrayal of American workers was passed into law. Newt is now babbling something about securing our borders and paths to citizenship. These are Republican elite code words for "amnesty," and more cheap labor flowing in from Mexico.
How well, does anyone think that three Republican candidates are going to fare in California, which has been deluged by the Reconquista invasion? How well does anyone think they are going to fare in Texas which is in danger of having the seventh flag raised over the state, the Mexican flag? Or, how well will these candidates fare in Georgia, whose state legislature is considering tough anti-immigration laws?

Do Rudy, John or Newt have any boots on the ground? Are there legions of hard-working grass roots workers willing to work for them? It does not appear so. In contrast, when the Minuteman put out a call for volunteers they received 18,000 emails. There are activist Minuteman and other immigration groups in states across the nation. This would be in addition to the Buchanan loyalists from previous presidential campaigns. Will not the Eagle Forum and other conservative groups get behind Buchanan?

In 1996, Buchanan won the New Hampshire primary against Bob Dole. Does anyone think he cannot do it again a decade later when millions of jobs have been lost and the country has been busy turning factory buildings into condos? Does anyone now not take his warnings of immigration seriously? Buchanan won in New Hampshire by 3,000 votes in 1996. With ease he can have a ten-fold margin of victory. And then keep on winning in the southern primaries. Does anyone think that Texans are going to vote in a primary for McCain who wants the Mexican flag flying over Texas?

As for money, Buchanan raised $58 million in 2000, there is no reason he should not do better in 2008. Of course, the Republican globalists, large corporations will put tons of money behind whatever disloyal, traitorous scoundrel Republican they can find, but Buchanan will have plenty of money.

In a Republican primary, the current contenders will lose to Buchanan in a landslide. In the national election, Buchanan will win in another landslide. There is no candidate, or party, that is more in agreement with the American people.

The American people want the borders closed and the mass immigration into the country stopped. The American people want an end to the loss of jobs and decline in high paying jobs. The American people want to disentangle themselves from the Middle-East morass. Buchanan and the American people are on the same page. The other parties and candidates are reading from a different book.

Pat Buchanan has been a lonely prophet for much of his political career. He warned us of the dangers of free trade. He warned us of the dangers of mass immigration. He warned us against the dangers of foreign entanglements. It is easier to get the first soldier in than the last soldier out.

Pat Buchanan has been an unabashed champion of the United States and the average American. And he was crucified for his pains, scorned and slandered. But the vast majority of Americans realize now that he was right, and either they were wrong, or they agreed but didn’t fully appreciate the dangers to the United States.

Pat Buchanan has articulated the overwhelming problem facing Americans and given the solution in his new book, State of Emergency: the third World Invasion and Conquest of America:

"This is not immigration as America knew it, when man and women made a conscious choice to turn their backs on their native lands and cross the ocean to become Americans. This is an invasion, the greatest invasion in human history."

"Here in America, the self-delusion about what is happening and the paralysis in the face of the crisis have no precedent. What can be said for a man who would allow his home to be invaded by strangers who demanded they be fed, clothed, housed and granted the rights of the firstborn?"

"We must recapture control of immigration policy from politicians paralyzed by fear of ethnic lobbies and corporate contributors, or immobilized by ideology."

Pat Buchanan has the intelligence, the courage and deep love for his country to be the next President of the United States. Nobody else comes close.

Paul Streitz

Campaign Chairman, Treasurer
Draft Buchanan 2008